Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Annual Christmas Party

The Sumner County Chapter of MOAA will hold its annual Christmas Party on Sunday, 13 December. We will meet at Larriviere's Restaurant on the Square at 102 South Water Street in Gallatin. We will gather for good cheer at 3:00PM and dinner will begin at 3:30PM.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

TRICARE H1N1 Immunization Policy

TRICARE Announces H1N1 Immunization Policy

October 30, 2009TRICARE Press Release

FALLS CHURCH, Va. – Immunizations against the H1N1 virus will soon be available, and people are eager to take precautions. Tricare Prime, Standard and Extra beneficiaries can get their shots from network and non-network providers without paying a deductible or making a co-payment. A temporary waiver allows retired Tricare Prime enrollees to get the H1N1 immunization from non-network providers without a referral or authorization, eliminating point-of-service charges. Prime enrollees will not be charged a co-payment or cost share. Tricare for Life beneficiaries must follow Medicare rules regarding H1N1 vaccine. Medicare will pay for administering the H1N1 vaccine, but not the H1N1 vaccine itself if it is supplied to providers free of charge. Payment will be subject to normal billing and payment rules that apply to influenza vaccine. Preventive medicine is a very important part of Tricare’s goal of keeping retirees and families healthy, said Rear Adm. Christine Hunter, deputy director of the Tricare Management Activity. “To that end, we make getting vaccinated as convenient and affordable as possible,” she said. “Beneficiaries should talk to their primary care manager if they have any questions about the H1N1 vaccine or other vaccines.”

Friday, October 23, 2009

Senate Punts on Medicare/TRICARE Fix

Despite a strong push from MOAA, the American Medical Association and others, the Senate failed to muster enough votes this week to repeal the flawed statutory formula that will impose a 21% cut in Medicare and TRICARE payments to doctors this coming January unless the law is changed.
Earlier this week on Oct 20, MOAA President VADM Norb Ryan Jr. (USN-Ret) was one of three major association leaders invited by Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) to speak at a press conference to highlight the importance of passing Stabenow's "Medicare Physician Fairness Act" (S. 1776) to protect against repeated cuts in 2010 and subsequent years.
"The current flawed formula for Medicare doctor payments puts every military beneficiary at risk, because military TRICARE payments are tied to Medicare's," said Ryan, speaking at the press conference in the U.S. Capitol building.
"Access to health care already is the single biggest problem for military beneficiaries of all ages," Ryan asserted. "The 21% cut to Medicare and TRICARE payments called for under current law would make that problem exponentially worse by causing large numbers of doctors to stop seeing elderly and military patients. The last thing troops in combat should have to worry about is whether their sick spouse or child can find a doctor to treat them."
Ryan said MOAA members already had generated more than 16,000 messages in the space of four days urging their legislators to support Stabenow's legislation.
Stabenow said she introduced her bill to get Congress "to rethink how we look at physician care and physician payments." She said Congress has acted to stop such cuts seven times in the past, but most have only been one-year fixes that necessitated reversing even bigger cuts the following year. "We need to stop the band-aid approach, be honest about [future budgets], and lay a foundation for real physician payment reform."
"I want to thank the Military Officers Association of America for their strong support," said Dr. J. James Rohack, President of the American Medical Association, "to preserve access and choice for seniors and military beneficiaries, now and in the future. Current law requires not only a 21% payment cut in 2010, but a cumulative 40% cut over the next six years. With millions of baby boomers coming into Medicare eligibility in the next two years, we must repeal this broken formula."
Ryan signed MOAA letters to every senator on October 20, urging them to vote for S. 1776, but the vote failed after several senators expressed concern about how to pay for the bill, which would cost $250 billion over the next 10 years.
After the failed vote, Senate leaders pledged to find a way to approve and fund at least a one-year fix before the end of December to ensure the 21% cut in Medicare and TRICARE payments won't go into effect.
The problem with this approach is that current law requires compounding annual cuts - forcing a 26% payment cut in January 2011 - so putting off a permanent fix only increases the cost of doing that later.
MOAA will continue to press for action, not only to reverse the scheduled cut for 2010 but to change the underlying law that causes this annually recurring threat to seniors' and military beneficiaries' health care access.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

October Meeting Information

Our October Chapter meeting will be held on Thursday, October 22nd, at Latham’s lighthouse in Hendersonville, TN. We will meet at 6:00 PM and have dinner at 6:30 PM. The cost of the meal will be $24.00 per person.

The choices for this month's buffet dinner are:

Prime Rib
Grilled Chicken
Mashed Potatoes
Two Desserts (one sweet and one fruit)

Monday, September 21, 2009

September Meeting

Our September meeting will be held at the Gallatin Country Club on 24 September. Cocktails start at 6:00 PM and dinner will be served at 6:30 PM. See you there.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

August Meeting Information

When and Where

Our August Chapter meeting will be held on Thursday, August 27th, at Lathams Lighthouse in Hendersonville, TN. We will meet at 6:00 PM and have dinner at 6:30 PM. The cost of the meal will be $17.00 per person.


Hamburgers, bratwurst, grilled chicken, and hot dogs
Baked beans
Potato salad
Condiments including chili
Tea and Coffee

NOTE: If coming to the dinner on short notice, please call Fran McNutt at 672-7713-3005.

Monday, August 10, 2009

MOAA and National Healthcare Reform

Dear Commander Moomy,

As Congress enters its month-long August recess, I want to clarify MOAA’s perspective on national health care reform and its possible implications for you and all members of the military and veterans' community and their families and survivors.

Many MOAA members have strong opinions on the politicians involved, strong preferences for one political party or the other, and strong views on both the principle and the specific details of national health care reform.

From MOAA’s standpoint, our tax-exempt, nonprofit status precludes us from taking partisan stands for or against any politician or political party. We take positions on issues. And in the interest of delivering our members the most bang for their membership buck, we devote our limited resources to addressing issues that directly affect our national defense and the military and veterans' community. For these reasons, our primary focus is on the aspects of the draft health care legislation that will affect you and the military community - military and VA health care, TRICARE, Medicare, and TRICARE For Life.

Our research and advocacy efforts on national health care reform are targeted at six primary goals:
Safeguarding military and VA beneficiaries’ health benefits;
Ensuring military and VA beneficiaries can choose other insurance;
Ensuring military and VA beneficiaries aren’t taxed on the value of those health benefits;
Preserving and improving military and VA beneficiaries’ access to providers of quality health care;
Ensuring long-term sustainment of Medicare (and TRICARE For Life) - and a fix for the broken Medicare payment formula that now poses annual threats of significant cuts that would erode providers’ willingness to see Medicare and TRICARE beneficiaries; and
Keeping our members apprised of how pending legislation could affect them and encouraging grassroots communications to their elected representatives to protect their interests.

We've sent a Military Coalition letter to every member of Congress, and thus far MOAA members have generated over 35,000 e-mails to their legislators using our alert. Every indication we've received from the Administration and congressional leaders of both political parties is that they share the goals listed above (read MOAA’s Aug. 7 legislative update for the latest specifics).

But there's a long way to go in the legislative process, and hard experience tells us severe budget pressures can undermine the best intentions. The bottom line: The entire MOAA staff and I are here to serve you. We will continue communicating with you, so we can let you know what we are working on and you can tell us what your concerns are. Please make sure you are signed up for our weekly Legislative Update and check our Health Care Happenings blog for the most up-to-date information.

I want to assure you MOAA will continue to be extraordinarily vigilant on this front. I encourage you to use MOAA’s national health reform alert to keep pressure on Congress to protect your interests. And please visit with your elected officials during this August recess.
Thank you for your continuing support and membership in MOAA.

All the best,
VADM Norb Ryan Jr., USN (Ret)President

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Update from Congressman Bart Gordon

As Congress considers different approaches to reforming our country's health care insurance system, many Middle Tennessee military retirees and veterans have contacted me with questions and concerns. I want to address some of the concerns I have heard.

I believe it is vital we maintain the integrity and primary purpose of the TRICARE and VA health systems. The recently proposed House health care insurance reform bill does not include language that would change these systems or incorporate them into a national system. Likewise, there are no proposals to tax the health benefits provided through TRICARE or the VA. I want you to know I will continue to insist that our nation's military retirees and veterans continue to get the benefits they've rightfully earned.

We currently spend one out of every six dollars in the United States on health care. Health care costs are increasing at twice the rate of inflation. If we do nothing, these costs will continue to spiral out of control and fewer and fewer people will be able to afford health insurance. We need to address this problem but we need to take the time to get it right. I am committed to doing just that.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

July Chapter Meeting

Our July Chapter meeting will be held on Thursday, July 23rd, at Bluegrass Country Club in Hendersonville, TN. We will meet at 6:00 PM and have dinner at 6:30 PM. The cost of the meal will be $24.00 per person.


Garden Salad
Grilled Sirloin w/ Jack Daniels Bourbon Sauce
Green Beans Almandine
Twice Baked Potatoes
Crème Brule
Tea and Coffee

Our speaker for July will be the Honorable Curtis M. Lincoln. Judge Lincoln has presided in the Hendersonville City Court for the past 15 years. He has been a lawyer for 42 years and has been very active in the community.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

June Meeting Information

Our June Chapter meeting will be held on Thursday, June 25th at the Gallatin Country Club in Gallatin, TN. We will meet at 6:00 PM and have dinner at 6:30 PM. The cost of the meal will be $17.00 per person. The Gallatin Country Club is located at 1501 East Main Street, Gallatin, TN. Dinner is provided by Larriveries on the Green.

Our menu will include a choice of the following main courses:

Beef Medallions
Cordon Bleu
Lemon-Pepper Grouper
Include with dinner is a Garden Salad, Vegetables appropriate for each main entrée, a Desert Selection, Dinner Rolls, Tea and Coffee.

Guest Speaker: We are pleased to have Mr. Anthony Holt, County Executive Sumner County, as our guest speaker at your June 25th meeting. Mr. Holt will provide remarks about current topics of interest to everyone in Sumner County. Sumner County Executive Anthony Holt was elected to his current office in November 2008 after serving 18 years as a county commissioner from the Gallatin area. He is chief financial officer for the county, oversees facilities management for county buildings and also is responsible for appointments to numerous government committees, boards and commissions. As county executive he represents Sumner County on a variety of Middle Tennessee boards, including the Greater Nashville Regional Council, Regional Transportation Authority, the Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Mid-Cumberland Human Resource Agency.

We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday.

Friday, June 5, 2009


This article was taken from the MOAA Legislative Update e-mail that I received.

You Could be Bounced from TRICARE Prime

A new DoD policy aimed at "cleaning up" TRICARE Prime enrollment at military treatment facilities (MTF) could mean some significant changes for many Prime enrollees.
TRICARE has long had established travel access standards to help beneficiaries receive timely health care. The standards require that enrollees shouldn't be assigned a primary care manager (PCM) at a military hospital or clinic that's more than a 30-minute drive from the beneficiary's home address.
As a practical matter, DoD never really enforced that policy. But it will be enforced now.
If they want to continue to be seen in the MTF, current Prime enrollees in the U.S. who live farther away than a 30-minute drive from the MTF will have to request a waiver of the drive-time standard from the MTF commander or the TRICARE Regional Office. Drive times will be determined by a computer program similar to MapQuest. Approved waivers will have to be renewed annually from now on.
Unless they apply for and are granted a waiver before October 1, enrollees who live more than 30 minutes (but less than 40 miles) from the MTF will be assigned a civilian primary care manager closer to their residence. Absent a waiver, those who live more than 40 miles from the MTF will be disenrolled from Prime and revert to TRICARE Standard as of October 1.
TRICARE contractors are mailing letters to all affected beneficiaries, providing detailed instructions on the waiver process.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

May Dinner Meeting

Our may meeting was held at Latham's Lighthouse Event Center in Hendersonville. We were pleased to have as our guest speaker, Mrs. Julie Hull, above, along with her husband Stacy from AB Recycle. Stacy and Julie Hull have owned AB Recycle in Hendersonville since October 2008 and began servicing clients in Hendersonville, Southwestern Gallatin and the Sumner County portion of Goodlettsville in November 2008. They provide convenient weekly curbside pickup of Single Stream recyclable materials. Julie provided important information on general facts about recycling, recycling locations and laws in Sumner County. Julie has given presentations to Beautiful Hendersonville, Inc., the Hendersonville Parks Department and a local school.

Below are photographs of Chapter members socializing before dinner.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

E-mail from Representaive Bart Gordon

I pass this along from Representative Bart Gordon:

Dear David,

I'm writing to ensure you have the information you need about the recent discovery that veterans who received endoscopic procedures at the Alvin C. York VA facility in Murfreesboro may have been exposed to contaminated equipment that puts them at risk of potentially serious infection, including HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis B or C.

If you or someone you know received a colonoscopy or other endoscopic procedure between April 23, 2003 and December 1, 2008, you can call 1-877-345-8555 to set up an appointment for a free blood test. If you test positive, there are a number of actions you can take to get additional help. Please contact my Murfreesboro office at (615)896-1986 for assistance.

The VA activated a web page at to provide updated information on the recent endoscopy issues that affected the Murfreesboro, Augusta, and Miami VA Medical Centers. Once at the website above, click on "Endoscopic Reports" in the blue field on the right-hand side of the page.

In February, I sent a letter to VA Under Secretary for Health, Michael Kussman, asking that detailed information be made available about the situation. You can view my letter and Under Secretary Kussman's response at I also called on the VA Inspector General to launch a formal investigation and the House Veterans' Affairs Committee to hold congressional hearings to examine why these problems happened and ensure they never happen again. I will continue working with my colleagues in Congress to hold the VA accountable for following up and taking care of the men and women veterans affected by this situation. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with Middle Tennessee veterans during this difficult time.

I've also been working hard to improve veteran and military retiree benefits. To view my legislative priorities for the 111th Congress, go to Again, my staff stands ready to answer any questions you may have. Do not hesitate to call my Murfreesboro office at (615)896-1986 for additional help.

Stay in touch,
BART GORDONMember of CongressP.S. To receive e-mail about important issues and services for your family and to sign up for E-News, click here.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


This year’s High School JROTC award winners are:
a. Cadet Colonel Jake Mihalko - $500 Scholarship – Station Camp High School
b. Cadet Major Dalen Evans – MOAA Medal – Station Camp High School
c. Cadet Colonel Nicholas Kiser - $500 Scholarship – Hendersonville High School
d. Cadet Lieutenant Colonel James Frogge –MOAA Medal – Hendersonville High School

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Great Presentation by Major Sean Brown

Our guest speakers at our April meeting was Major Sean Brown and his wife, Erica. Major brown is attached to the the 101st Airborne at Fort Campbell, KY. Major Brown talked about his three deployments to Iraq since 2003 and how the tactics and strategies changed during each deployment. Erica talked about family support issues during his deployments.

Left to right are Steve Cronin, First Vice President, Erica Brown, Major Sean Brown, and Steve Petersen, President.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Surviving Spouse Website

MOAA has established a site that offers articles and stories that are of interest to surviving spouses. It provides help with military benefits and outher planning guidance. Check out the site at

April Chapter Meeting

When and Where

Our April Chapter meeting will be held on Thursday, April 23rd, at the Bluegrass Country Club in Hendersonville, TN. We will meet at 6:00 PM and have dinner at 6:30 PM.


Garden Salad
Pork Tenderloin with Dijon Dill Cream Sauce
Twice Baked Potatoes
Buttered Broccoli
Snickers Blitz Pie
Tea and Coffee

NOTE: If coming to the dinner on short notice, please call Fran McNutt at 672-7713.

Friday, April 3, 2009

House Leaders Expect DoD TRICARE Fee Hikes

Leaders of the House Armed Services Committee say they expect the Pentagon will once again propose big TRICARE fee hikes for military retirees.
Their March 15 letter to the Chairman of the House Budget Committee was very specific on the latter point, and asked for extra budget authority to reject the expected increases. “The committee believes that the [end of April] budget request will again assume over $1 billion in savings within the Defense health budget, based on recommendations from a previous Defense Department Task Force,” said the letter signed by Chairman Ike Skelton (D-MO) and Ranking Minority Member John McHugh (R-NY). “The committee will need additional [budget headroom] to prohibit the fee increases that we expect will be proposed by the Department of Defense.”

If you agree with MOAA that that’s the last thing the Defense Department should do, you still have time to weigh in with the President and the Secretary of Defense, but you need to act quickly. E-mail President Obama: Use MOAA’s special alert.

E-mail Secretary of Defense Gates: The Secretary has no public e-mail address, so you have to go to the DoD Web site, click on the “Ask a Question/Make a Comment” tab at the top, fill out the required information, and include this recommended comment: For Secretary Gates: As you prepare the FY2010 budget, please don't resume past failed efforts to impose unfair TRICARE fee increases on retired military families. Career military people were told that their decades of arduous service and sacrifice constituted a steep, pre-paid premium that earned lifetime health coverage. Large proposed TRICARE fee hikes have been upsetting because they devalue those decades of sacrifice -- in wartime, no less. Please seize this opportunity to suspend these divisive efforts and work with military associations to develop positive incentives and 'win-win' solutions for all concerned.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

DoD Changes Identification Charges

The Department of Defense (DoD) began the process of removing Social Security numbers from issued identification (ID) cards in an effort to prevent identity theft. The exception to this applies to Geneva Convention cardholders whose last four numbers of their Social Security number will remain on their cards. All ID card holders should wait until their cards are in need of renewal before replacing their cards with ones devoid of a Social Security number. The DoD instructed retirees with indefinite expiration dates on their cards to start replacing them in January 2010. Cardholders whose cards have expired may contact the nearest Real-time Automated Personnel Identification System site. If the cardholder does not know where their local RAPIDS site is located, they can visit the Rapids Site Locator to find a location nearby.

Friday, March 13, 2009

MOAA testifies on Veteran's Affairs

Sen. Daniel Akaka (D-HI) and Rep. Bob Filner (D-CA), respective Chairmen of the Senate and House Veterans Affairs Committees, welcomed representatives from MOAA and other military and veterans' groups providing testimony at a March 12 joint hearing of the two committees.
MOAA's COL Bob Norton (USA-Ret) said MOAA's top priority for the VA health system is passage of advance appropriations for the VA health care system. In 19 of the last 22 years, Congress has failed to approve the VA health care funding bill before the start of the fiscal year - causing disruption in health services, construction plans and research, and longer wait-times for veterans seeking care.
Sen. Akaka, Sen. Burr (R-NC), the Senate panel's Ranking Member, and Chairman Filner are sponsoring bills (S.423 and H.R.1016, respectively) to authorize advance VA health funding. But there are indications that the administration is backing away from its earlier support for the idea, and Budget and Appropriations Committee members have expressed skepticism.
Norton also strongly urged permanent authorization for a VA-DoD oversight office to work on seamless transition issues (authority for the current DoD/VA Senior Oversight Committee expires the end of this year) and highlighted the need for consistent training and compensation programs for wounded warriors' caregivers. He noted wide variations in services and support for caregivers within and between DoD and VA.
Sen. Akaka followed up to request expanded comments on caregiver issues. Norton responded that there are cases where family members and other caregivers have had to give up their homes, jobs and health insurance to become full-time caregivers. The nation has an absolute obligation to provide a substantive and consistent system of care for their support, he said.
Norton also recommended:
1. Reducing the huge backlog of VA disability claims through upgrades in technology, training and quality control
2. Consolidation of all GI Bill programs to maximize their utility for readjustment, recruiting and retention purposes
3. Improving the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program
4. Upgrading VA compensation and educational benefits for survivors of veterans whose death was caused by military service
5. Strengthened reemployment and financial protection laws for activated National Guard and Reserve servicemembers

Friday, March 6, 2009

TRICARE STATUS from Senator Lieberman

Tricare Correspondence From Senator Lieberman

Dear Mr. Buxton:

Thank you for contacting me regarding rumored cuts in benefit programs for military retirees, including TRICARE for Life. Currently, a wealth of false and misleading information is being distributed on this matter;
and I welcome the opportunity to explain the source of the confusion.
I am aware of several chain emails, online discussion boards, blogs, and even articles in well-intentioned veterans' publications
that imply that President Obama and Congress plan on eliminating TRICARE for Life. The insinuations put forth by these sources are false.

The source of these stories is a report issued by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), entitled Budget Options Volume 1: Heath Care, released in December 2008. Before jumping to conclusions about the report itself, however, it is important to know exactly what the CBO is. CBO is a nonpartisan federal agency, tasked with providing Congress with cost estimates for the many legislative proposals considered each year. It also periodically offers Congress suggestions for adjusting federal spending. CBO is an information gathering body for Members
of Congress. Its recommendations about the budget are completely non binding; and its officers do not draft actual policy, legislation, or law.

The Budget Options report in question offersa total of 115 options for reducing (or, in some cases, increasing) federal spending on health care, only three of which relate to TRICARE. These options are merely
suggestions, not policy statements or actual legislation. Reports such as this one are routine, and very few options or recommendations made by CBO are typically acted upon. President Obama has not indicated
support for the three recommendations in this report related to TRICARE, nor has any Member of Congress, to the best of my knowledge. Any suggestion that the Administration is affiliated with this report ignores the fact that it was drafted by the CBO - which, again, is an advisory body of
the legislative branch, not the executive branch.

You may also be interested to know that both the Reserve Officers Association (ROA) and the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) have issued statements condemning the aforementioned ed rumors that are being perpetuated through these chain emails.

I hope that you have found this letter informative, and I encourage you to share this information with members of your community who are concerned about issues relating to military retirees. As a member of
the Senate Armed Services Committee, please be assured of my continued commitment to protecting the various interests of all those who have fought tirelessly to protect our cherished freedoms.

Thank you again for sharing your views and concerns with me. I hope you will continue to visit my website at for updated news about my work on behalf of Connecticut and the nation. Please contact me if you have any additional questions or comments about
our work in Congress.


Joseph I. Lieberman

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

February Meeting

Our February meeting will be hel on 26 February at the Bluegrass Country Club with dinner served at 6:30PM. Our speaker will be Cliff Hardison, a member of our chapter.

Dinner will be:

Garden Salad
Jamaican Pork Medallions
Cheddar & Rosemary Potatoes
Green Beans Amandine
Carrott Cake
Tea, Coffee, Rolls

For more information contact CDR Dave Moomy at (615) 264-7092 or

Monday, January 26, 2009

New Chapter officers for 2009 were elected at the January dinner meeting. The oath of office was administered by Frank Edwards, the outgoing president. The new officers are:

Steve Petersen - President
Steve Cronin - 1st Vice President
Fran McNutt - Treasurer
Dave Moomy - Secretary
Ben Alexander - Chaplain
Joe Heine - Legislative
Richard Smith - Benefits

Frank Edwards is congratulating Steve petersen on his election as president of the Sumner County Chpater of MOAA for 2009.

Monday, January 19, 2009

January Chapter Meeting

When and Where

Our January Chapter meeting will be held on Thursday, January 22nd, at Bluegrass Country Club in Hendersonville, TN. We will meet at 6:00 PM and have dinner at 6:30 PM. The cost of the meal will be $24.00 per person.


Garden Salad
Chicken Ambassador
Scalloped Potatoes
Buttered Asparagus Spears
New York Cheese Cake
Tea and Coffee

NOTE: If coming to the dinner on short notice, please call Fran McNutt at 672-7713.

Installation of 2009 Officers

The slate of new officers for 2009 will presented at the meeting. They are:

President – Steve Petersen
1st Vice President – Steve Cronin
2nd Vice President – TBD
Treasurer – Danny Cox
Secretary – Dave Moomy
Legislation – Joe Heine
Benefits – Richard Smith

After the election, the new officers will be installed by Frank Edwards, the outgoing President.
MOAA Chapter Meeting Presentations
We are pleased to have Mr. Fred Bailey, Founder and Executive Director for “Children Are People, Inc.” to be our speaker. His program assists at-risk children and their families with developing academic and life skills in order to produce responsible, self-sufficient adults who contribute to the community. Please check his website at .

As we plan and coordinate guest presenters for our MOAA meetings this year we very much would like feedback from you on whom and/or what topics you desire to have presented to our members.