Friday, March 13, 2009

MOAA testifies on Veteran's Affairs

Sen. Daniel Akaka (D-HI) and Rep. Bob Filner (D-CA), respective Chairmen of the Senate and House Veterans Affairs Committees, welcomed representatives from MOAA and other military and veterans' groups providing testimony at a March 12 joint hearing of the two committees.
MOAA's COL Bob Norton (USA-Ret) said MOAA's top priority for the VA health system is passage of advance appropriations for the VA health care system. In 19 of the last 22 years, Congress has failed to approve the VA health care funding bill before the start of the fiscal year - causing disruption in health services, construction plans and research, and longer wait-times for veterans seeking care.
Sen. Akaka, Sen. Burr (R-NC), the Senate panel's Ranking Member, and Chairman Filner are sponsoring bills (S.423 and H.R.1016, respectively) to authorize advance VA health funding. But there are indications that the administration is backing away from its earlier support for the idea, and Budget and Appropriations Committee members have expressed skepticism.
Norton also strongly urged permanent authorization for a VA-DoD oversight office to work on seamless transition issues (authority for the current DoD/VA Senior Oversight Committee expires the end of this year) and highlighted the need for consistent training and compensation programs for wounded warriors' caregivers. He noted wide variations in services and support for caregivers within and between DoD and VA.
Sen. Akaka followed up to request expanded comments on caregiver issues. Norton responded that there are cases where family members and other caregivers have had to give up their homes, jobs and health insurance to become full-time caregivers. The nation has an absolute obligation to provide a substantive and consistent system of care for their support, he said.
Norton also recommended:
1. Reducing the huge backlog of VA disability claims through upgrades in technology, training and quality control
2. Consolidation of all GI Bill programs to maximize their utility for readjustment, recruiting and retention purposes
3. Improving the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program
4. Upgrading VA compensation and educational benefits for survivors of veterans whose death was caused by military service
5. Strengthened reemployment and financial protection laws for activated National Guard and Reserve servicemembers

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